Annual Business & Social Events


The Annual Meeting, where serious (and less than serious) matters can be discussed by all of the members, is normally held on the third Sunday of March.


Since 1982 an annual Pig Roast has been held in the summer or fall.  A fire pit is often dug at the far end of Hawthorne lane and a whole pig is roasted all during the night before and most of Saturday.  Late in the afternoon the Lane is closed off and each family, bringing their favorite dish to share, sit down to enjoy the fabulous “spread” that has been provided each year.  All members are cordially invited by the Board, not only to attend, but also to share in the preparations and tending to the pig fire during the night.  With soft drinks and beer provided, many consider this “vigil” as part of the fun!  When the feast is finally ready, not only the members but also their invited guests are in for a real treat – it is great and easy way to entertain!  A nominal charge per person is made to cover the cost of the pig, beverages, dessert, etc.   


A former resident of the Woods, “Red” Williams (who of course had red hair) suggested that once a year as many members as possible get together and walk through the Woods, to pick up debris that has accumulated at the side of our roads.  His suggestion was adopted and since that first clean up day, each year on the third Saturday of April, the members and their children have gathered together on “Red Williams Clean Up Day” to not only tidy up the Woods, but often also to plant specimen trees, shrubs, and daffodils/tulips in our triangular preserve.  After the morning’s work is finished, we all gather at that year’s committee chairman’s house for hot dogs and other picnic fare. 

Each year a cocktail party for members is held in a Denburn home, just for good company, interesting conversation, and the tasty buffet fare prepared by those attending.  It is fun to spend an evening in different members’ homes, and if your preference is for soft drinks or wine, don’t stay away – you will have lots of company.