2014 Red William’s Day Cleanup

Saturday, April 26, 2014  


For those of you new to the Woods, Red Williams, a former resident of the Woods, "suggested that once a year as many members as possible get together and walk through the Woods to pick up debris that has accumulated at the sides of the road.  After the morning's work is finished, we all gather for hot dogs and picnic fare."


This has been our practice for many years and is one of the four times a year we come together as a neighborhood (along with the Winter Annual Meeting, Summer Pig Roast and Fall Cocktail Party).


Please note that on Saturday, April 26th, from 9:00-11:00am we will continue this tradition.  Those who are able to participate are asked to meet at the triangle.  Board members will be available to help direct the clean up and answer questions.   Boots and gloves are recommended and children are welcome.  It would be helpful if those who have chain saws could bring them.  Additionally, neighbors are welcome to collect their own yard waste to be picked up with the clean up day waste. 


A hot dog lunch (approx. 11:30am) will follow at the home of Baird and Carolann Allis, 1333 Turvey Road.  Bringing a dish to share is optional. Drinks will be provided. If you are unable to help with the clean up, you are encouraged to attend the lunch. This is as much a social event as it is a clean up.